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Hidalgo Bariatrics

See our Patient testimonials and learn from the experience they had when they underwent a Weight Loss Surgery in Tijuana, Mexico with Dr. Juan F. Hidalgo and his team of professionals.

The main objective of showing you the Patient testimonials of is for you to learn from their experience. They are the ones who recommend our services, we make all our efforts to make your experience similar to theirs, always seeking to offer you a quality service and help your health through the best bariatric surgery for you.

We hope our Patient testimonials help you to make a decision about where to get your bariatric procedure.

Patient testimonials

It seems like I had surgery a long time ago but it hasn’t been 2 weeks yet. I keep reminding myself that it isn’t 2 weeks yet and I have lost 14lbs singe surgery.
Cloths are getting looser.
I can’t say thanks enough to YOU and the TEAM.
Surgery date: January 9th, 2023 

Wendy Polenska

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

"I had the VSG surgery done by Dr. Hidalgo Nov 22nd. The entire weight loss team and Dr. Hidalgo were fantastic at giving me crazy amounts of information and were very quick at answering any questions. 3 Months after the surgery my blood pressure was normal, and I was off of the high blood pressure pills. By the end of month 5 my diabetes was GONE! No more pills for that. I am at month seven, and have lost 118 lbs. I feel great. Thanks all."

Tuve mi cirugía de Banda Gástrica con el Dr. Hidalgo el 22 de Noviembre. El equipo completo de Weight Loss Team y el Dr. Hidalgo fueron fantásticos conmigo, me dieron mucha información y resolvieron todas mis dudas de una manera muy rápida. 3 meses después de la cirugía mi presión se normalizó por lo que no necesito más pastillas para la presión. Al final del quinto mes ¡mi diabetes se fue! No más pastillas para la diabetes. Estoy en el mes 7, he perdido 53 kilos y me siento genial. ¡Gracias a todos!

Ryan H.

Patient testimonials

Everithing is great, i was nervous for the surgery but it wasn´t bad at all, there was no pain and everithing was so smooth, they make you feel super confortable the nurses was super nice!
I highly recommend Dr. Hidalgo and his team.


Gastric Sleeve Testimonial

"I was in tears yesterday in the dressing room for the first time in my life I fit into a size 4 pants."

"No pude contener las lágrimas ayer en el probador, por primera vez en mi vida me quedaron unos pantalones talla 4."


K Nasha Testimomnial

My experience with my bariatric surgery was 10 out of 10, everybody here is very very nice and they took great care of me. My only regret is i should have gotten the surgery sooner.


Gastric Sleeve Surgery

"Yeyyyyy just weight it my self i am 196 lbs i cant believe it!!! Total weight los 110 in 7 months 21 more pounds before i hit my goal of 175!!!! Im so proud of my self."

"¡Yeyy! Me acabo de pesar y estoy en 89 kilos, ¡no lo puedo creer! He perdido en total 50 kilos en 7 meses, me faltan 9 kilos más para llegar a mi meta de los 80 kilos. Estoy muy orgullosa de mi misma."


Veronica-N-Manga Gastrica

Hi, my name is Veronica Neula, and i had the Gastric band surgery, my experience was pretty good since i arrive to the airport, the hotel and hospital Dreams, i totally recommend it.

Veronica Neula

Gastric Band Surgery

"In 10 months I reached my goal from size 14 to size 2 thank you Dr. Hidalgo it was not an easy road but worth it."

"En 10 meses he alcanzado mi meta de ser talla 14 a 2. Gracias Dr. Hidalgo, no ha sido un camino fácil, pero ha valido la pena."


"It's been one year tomorrow that I have had my VSG surgery with Dr H. My starting weight was 236, I am now 141. I lost 95 pounds in 8 months. I have maintained my weight loss now for the last 4 months. I feel like a new person. I have zero regrets. I never had any pain or complications. Dr H is a wonderful surgeon. I am so glad I found him. I did lose a lot of hair but it is growing back. Thank you Dr H, Gerald and the whole weight loss team. You guys are awesome!! I have my life back!."

"Mañana se cumple un año desde que me hice la cirugía de Banda Gástrica con el Dr. Hidalgo. Mi peso inicial era de 107 kilos y ahora peso 64 kilos. He perdido 43 kilos en 8 meses. He mantenido mi peso durante los últimos 4 meses. Me siento como una nueva persona. Tengo cero remordimientos. Nunca tuve ningún tipo de dolor ni complicaciones. El Dr. Hidalgo es un cirujano maravilloso. Me siento tan afortunada de haberlo encontrado. He perdido cabello, pero ahora está creciendo de nuevo. Gracias Dr. Hidalgo, Gerald y todo el equipo de Weight Loss Team. ¡Son asombrosos! ¡He recuperado mi vida nuevamente!"


"Dang what a difference ! Down 80 pounds!."

"¡Qué diferencia! ¡36 kilos menos!"

Tara F.

"My 1 year surgery anniversary was March 8th! From 260lbs to 145lbs! So happy. It's been a year of changes but I would do it again in a heartbeat!."

"Mi aniversario número 1 desde mi cirugía realizada el 8 de marzo. ¡Pasé de 118 kilos a 65 kilos! Estoy tan feliz. Ha sido un año lleno de cambios, pero lo haría de nuevo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos."

Victoria C.

Hidalgo Bariatrics Patient testimonials speak for themselves and show how Dr. Juan F. Hidalgo helps people improve their health and life on a daily basis. Our Bariatric center has become a common destination for patients mainly from Canada and United States who are looking for weight loss surgery at low cost but with great quality and above all the safety that a patient needs. talk to our team of experts they will help you to coordinate your trip to Tijuana Mexico and clarify any questions you may have about the process, which includes the treatment you will receive, facilities and everything related to your procedure.

Meet one the best Bariatric Surgeon in Tijuana, Mexico

Dr Juan Francisco Hidalgo

Dr. Juan F. Hidalgo Bariatric Surgeon

Medical Specialist in Bariatric Surgery with more than 12 years of experience. He uses the highest technology in its minimally invasive procedures for weight loss surgery.


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Take the first step

Our team is with you
every step of the way.

Dr Hidalgo